Free Trade Zone

The Cadiz Free Trade Zone is a public institution created in 1929, under the authority of the Ministry of Finance which works to promote socio-economic development within its area of influence, which includes all the province of Cadiz.
As a bonded area, it is situated under customs jurisdiction, although delimited and separated from the same, which means that the entry of goods will generally entail the temporary suspension of the payment of duties and taxes, while the said goods comply with the conditions imposed by customs legislation and until their departure, this being a very favourable treatment from a financial point of view.
Non-Community goods deposited here will pay no customs duties, Value Added Tax (VAT) and, where applicable, Special Manufacturing Taxes (II.EE.), nor be subject to the commercial policy measures, until the moment they are dispatched for their destination within the European Union.
On the other hand, it allows the storage of EU and national goods to benefit from the exemption of VAT during their stay in a free trade zone and also permits purchase/sale of the said goods while maintaining the exemption.
The bonded zone covers 480.000m2 and has two quays with a total 645 metres to dock vessels with up to metres draft.
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