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Fees and Tariffs

Port Rates Port Authority

Regulated by law 2/2011, september 5.

Applicable amounts 2023

a) Occupation Rate: For the occupation of the public port domain. Articles from 173 to 182.

b) Activity Rate: For commercial, industrial and services activities at the public port domain. Articles from 183 to 192.

c) Rate for the service of marine aids to navigation.

T0.- Rate for the service of marine aids to navigation.- Articles from 237 to 243

d) For use of the port facilities:

T1: Vessel rate.- Articles from 194 to 204

T4: Fresh fishing rate.-Articles from 218 to 222

T2: Passengers rate.-Articles from 205 to 210

T5: Rate for sports and recreation ships.-Articles from 223 to 230

T3: Goods rate .-Articles from 211 to 217

T6: Rate for special use of transit area.- Articles from 231 to 236

e) Correction coefficient.- Article 166 ( Published in State Budget )

f) Discounts.- Artícle 245 ( Published in State Budget )

g) Port Rates.- Commercial Services

TF: Storage rate

TR: Receiving of liquid and solid waste generated by vessels. Article 132

TS: Supplies rate

TD: Border Inspection Post

Use of water spray cannons as an environmental measure in La Cabezuela (Puerto Real)

TD: Miscellaneous services rate

h) Activity Rate: For commercial, industrial and services activities at the public port domain. Articles from 183 to 192

BZ: Cranes attached to the service

BW: Oil supply to ships throught trucks

BU: Development of Port Services (tugs, mooring, pilots and PIF)

BZ: External mobile cranes

BS: Subwater activities

BT: Development of activity of Stevedors companies

BZ: Other mechanical equipments

B$: Waste Collection

BT.- Development of activity of handling fish boxes

i) Rates Intermodal Terminal Jerez de la Frontera

j) Port Services Rates: Articles 108 to 125


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Tax for private use of the public domain port:

It is the accrual rate according to the use of the public domain port by a concession or authorization, whose taxpayer will be the owner of the use and whose tax base will be the value of the property that will be determined through the following way:

  • Land occupation: The value of the lands according to the floor assessment and water depth in effect.
  • Water occupation: The value of the water spaces according to the floor assessment and water depth in effect.
  • Construction and facilities occupation: Value of infrastructures, superstructure and facilities in the grant moment and for the value of the annual depreciation.

Tax for special use of the public domain port in the exercise of commercial activities, industrial and services activities:

It is the accrual rate by the provision of a service by a third party and by the exercise of commercial, industrial or other nature activities in the port environment, whose taxpayer will be the owner of the authorization of the activity, license or occupation title of the public domain.

The quantitative elements for its accrual basis will be the type, volume of activity and obtained utility, and it will be calculated by the Port Authority regarding the established criterias and limits in the Law 48/2003, the 26th of November, for the Economic Regulation and the Provision of Services by the Ports of General Interest.

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